The Harsh Truth About Getting Good at Freight Broker Sales

The Harsh Truth About Getting Good at Freight Broker Sales

Jan 18, 2024

In the world of freight brokerage, one undeniable truth prevails: to succeed, you must continually adapt, learn, and refine your skills.

The freight broker industry is dynamic, with shifting market trends, new technologies, and evolving customer expectations.

This blog post will unveil the harsh reality of becoming exceptional in freight broker sales.

We'll explore the ongoing need for training and the critical importance of aligning your sales style with the industry. So, let's dive into the nitty-gritty, no-nonsense facts.

The Changing Landscape of Freight Broker & Logistics Sales

Freight brokerage is not what it used to be.

The market landscape has undergone significant transformations, and those who cling to outdated methods risk falling behind.

Here are a few stark truths about the industry today:

1. Increasing Competition

Competition in the freight brokerage sector has reached unprecedented levels.

New players enter the market regularly, and existing ones are constantly sharpening their skills.

To stand out, you must continuously up your game.

2. Shifting Customer Expectations And Needs

Today's customers demand more than just basic logistics solutions.

They seek partners who can provide value-added services, real-time tracking, and efficient communication.

Meeting these expectations is non-negotiable.

3. Technological Advancements and Ease Of Getting Data

Technology is rapidly shaping the logistics landscape.

From automated booking systems to data analytics tools, staying tech-savvy is essential.

Ignoring these advancements is akin to committing professional suicide.

4. Regulatory and Industry

Regulations governing the freight brokerage industry are subject to revision. Staying compliant is crucial to avoid legal hassles and ensure smooth operations.

This is something you already know, and I get it... however, do you bring any new rules and regulations into your sales conversations? If not, then you should start!

The Ongoing Need for Training

I might be a bit biased on this, but I DO BELIEVE that to navigate this ever-changing landscape, training isn't a one-time event; it's an ongoing necessity.

Here's why:

1. Staying Informed

Continual training keeps you informed about the latest industry trends, market dynamics, and emerging technologies. It's your compass in this rapidly shifting terrain.

Giving you the new skills to remain relevant and keep your prospects attention. Think of it like this: do you sell the same way you did during Covid?

No, you don't... Well, I really hope you don't!

If you do, then get into this program NOW: The Matryxx Sales Program

2. Skill Enhancement

Kind of a no-brainer... and I already went over it, but it's worth mentioning again.

Sales techniques that worked a decade ago may not be effective today.

Ongoing training allows you to refine your skills, adapt to new challenges, and stay ahead of the curve.

3. Expanding Knowledge

Freight brokerage is a vast field encompassing various sectors like truckload, less-than-truckload, intermodal, and more.

Training helps you explore these niches and diversify your expertise.

It also gives your prospects insight into your level of dedication to the industry; if you strive to be the best, your prospects and clients see it.

Would you not want to work with the best in class when you can? I would!

4. Compliance

It's boring, but regulations can change in what seems like overnight.

Regular training ensures you're always in the know, reducing the risk of compliance-related issues.

Aligning Your Sales Style with the Industry

In addition to ongoing training, aligning your sales style with what's happening today in the industry is pivotal for success.

Here's how you can adapt:

1. Customer-Centric Approach

Shift your focus from being transactional to customer-centric.

Understand your client's pain points and tailor your solutions to address their specific needs.

The way forward is to be a trusted partner rather than just a service provider.

2. Technology Integration

We have seen this take off in the last few years, and you need to get on board if you're not already.

Embrace technology to streamline your operations.

Utilize customer relationship management (CRM) systems (Like Bridger - Get a 30-day trial here), digital tracking platforms, and data analytics tools.

Clients expect real-time information, so make sure you can provide it.

3. Value-Added Services

I felt the need to add this in; however, getting in with a prospect first is critical before you say, "I am the master of all services" because you're not. No one is!

Offer value-added services that set you apart.

Whether it's providing data-driven insights, offering customized reporting, or facilitating seamless communication on what's coming down the pipe so your clients can focus on what matters most to them.

You can always just simply go the extra mile to win long-term clients. Whatever that "extra mile" is to your prospect, get on and go for a long ride!

4. Communication Skills

It might not have to be said; however, common sense is not always common practice.

Effective communication is the backbone of successful freight broker sales.

Develop strong interpersonal skills to foster relationships with clients, carriers, and industry partners.

Clarity, transparency, and responsiveness are paramount.

5. Adaptability

Flexibility is a prized trait in today's logistics world.

Be ready to pivot when market conditions change.

Whether it's finding alternative routes, adjusting pricing, or accommodating last-minute requests, adaptability is your secret weapon.


In the unforgiving terrain of freight broker sales, complacency is the enemy.

The harsh truth is that the only way to thrive is through continual training and adapting your sales style to align with industry demands.

So, embrace the reality, invest in your growth, and remain agile in the face of change.

The road to success in freight broker sales may be challenging, but those who persist and evolve are the ones who will ultimately triumph in this dynamic industry.